Article title: Evaluation of the Efficacy and Aerodynamic Intervention of Face Shields against Pathogenic Aerosols Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Wells-Riley Transport Model
Authors: Joshua C. Agar
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Science 153 (1): 175-184, February 2024
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Article title: Ventilation and disease monitoring of indoor spaces and public transportation using an NDIR sensor network
Authors: Joshua C. Agar, Julius Rhoan T. Lustro, Percival Magpantay, John Richard E. Hizon, Joseph Gerard T. Reyes
Publication title: Frontiers in Built Environment 9, December 2023
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Article title: Determination of Locations of High Concentration of Indoor Air Pollutants Using Air Flow Measurements and Modelling
Authors: Kit Orven Malbas, Ma. Kevina Alfonso, Ren Paulo Estaquio, Joshua Agar, Julius
Rhoan Lustro, Job Immanuel Encarnacion, Joseph Gerard T. Reyes
Publication title: Chemical Engineering Transactions 103:211-216, 2023
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Article title: Evaluating the Increasing Trend of Strength and Severe Wind Hazard of Philippine Typhoons Using the Holland-B Parameter and Regional Cyclonic Wind Field Modeling
Authors: Joshua Cunanan Agar
Publication title: Sustainability 15(1):535, December 2022
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Article title: Component-based severe wind vulnerability analysis of wooden buildings in the Philippines
Authors: Joshua C. Agar, Joshua Joseph C. Gumaro, Timothy John Acosta, John Phillip G. Alvarez, Mary Nathalie C. Ereno, Jaime Y. Hernandez Jr, Jihan S. Pacer, Dean Ashton D. Plamenco, Liezl Raissa E. Tan, Julius Baniqued, Eric Augustus J. Tingatinga, John Kenneth B. Musico, John Kenneth B. Musico, Imee Bren O. Villalba, Pher Errol B. Quinay, Harvey O. Bisa
Publication title: ASEAN Engineering Journal 12(2):219-225, June 2022
Full text available upon request to the author/s.

Article title: Identification of key components for developing building types for risk assessment against wind loadings: The case of Cebu Province, Philippines
Authors: Joshua Joseph C. Gumaro, Timothy John S. Acosta, Liezl Raissa E. Tan, Joshua C. Agar, Eric Augustus J. Tingatinga, John Kenneth B. Musico, Dean Ashton D. Plamenco, Mary Nathalie C. EreƱo, Jihan S. Pacer, Imee Bren O. Villalba, Jaime Y. Hernandez Jr.
Publication title: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 67(2):102686, November 20212
Full text available upon request to the author/s.

Article title: Investigation of the Effects of the Classification of Building Stock Geometries Determined Using Clustering Techniques on the Vulnerability of Galvanized Iron Roof Covers Against Severe Wind Loading
Authors: Liezl Raissa E. Tan, Timothy John S. Acosta, Joshua Joseph C. Gumaro, Joshua C. Agar, Eric Augustus J. Tingatinga, Dean Ashton D. Plamenco, Mary Nathalie C. Ereno, John Kenneth B. Musico, Jihan S. Pacer, Julius Rey D. Baniqued
Publication title: IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 1150(1):012024, May 2021
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