Sex: Male
- University of California, Davis, California, Ph.D. Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, 1976
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln Nebraska, USA, M.Sc. Plant Pathology-Virology, 1967
- Electro Microscopy, University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Laguna, B.Sci. Agricultural Chemistry, 1959
Field of Specialization:
Microbiology, Virology, Immunology, Vaccine and Diagnostics Development and Manufacturing including Validation for cGLP and cGMP compliance, HIV-1 and Hepatitis C Drug Development, HIV RT assay
Talens, L.T., (2002) Policies and Procedures: Human papilloma virus by the DNA hybridization assay Advanced Medical Analysis Laboratory, Monrovia, CA
Talens, L.T., Cruz, W.T., Palma, C.G., Talens, A.D., Bruccal, R., (1998 S 9) Development of a new Pasteurella multocida Bacterin Type B for hemorrhagic septicemia control Technology Demonstration at the Philippine Centennial Exposition, Clark Field, Angeles City
Talens, L.T., Talens, A.D., (1997 N) Serological survey of FMD in several sites in the Philippines Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Journal
Ellis, JA, WC Davis, LT Talens, DL Pratt, (1990) Clinical and immunologic response of cattle to administration of a vaccine containing modified live bovine respiratory syncytial virus Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association Volume 196
Talens, L.T., WH Beckenhauer, W.H., Thurber, E.T., Colley, A.J., Schultz, R.D., (1989) Efficacy of viral components of a nonabortigenic vaccine for prevention of respiratory and reproductive diseases in cattle Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association Volume 194
Talens, L.T., Dolores-Talens, A.C., (1980) Detection of several plant viruses by the counterimmunoeletrophoretic assay Philippine Phytopathology Volume 16
Talens, L.T., (1979) Cowpea mosaic virus. I. Host range and symptomatology Philippine Journal of Cro Science Volume 4
Talens, L.T., Chansilpa, N., Dolores-Talens, A.C., (1979) Rapid detection of tobacco mosaic virus in orchids Philippine Phytopathology Volume 15
Lohmeyer, J., Talens, L.T., Klenk, H.D., (1979) Biosynthesis of the influenza virus envelope in abortive infection Journal of General Virology Volume 42
Talens, LT, (1978) Properties, purification, characterization, serology and sources of resistance to mungbean mottle virus 10th Pest Control Council of the Philippines Annual Conference
Talens, L.T., Zee, Y.C., (1978) Further evidence for entry of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus into bovine kidney cells Current Microbiology Volume 1
Talens, L.T., (1977) Cowpea little leaf disease: possible viral etiology as detected by the immunodiffusion technique Philippine Phytopathopathology Volume 13
Talens, L.T., (1977) Mungbean viruses in the Philippines. I. Identity of a virus causing mottle in mungbean Philippine Phytopathopathology Volume 14
Talens, L.T., Zee, Y.C., (1976) Purification and buoyant density of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus Proc. Exp. Biol. and Med Volume 151
Talens, L.T., Miranda, M., Miller, M.W., (1973) Electron microscopic study of Metschnikowia krissii. X. Bud formation Journal of Bacteriology Volume 114
Talens, L.T., Miller, M.W., Miranda, M., (1973) Electron microscopic study of Metschnikowia krissii. XI. Asci and ascospores Journal of Bacteriology Volume 110 Zee, Y.C., Talens, L.,(1971) Entry of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus into cells Journal of General Virology Volume 11, No. 59-68
Zee, Y.C., Hackett, A.J., LT Talens, L.T., Talens, L., (1968) Electron microscopic studies on the vesicular exanthema of swine virus. II. Morphogenesis of VESV Type H54 in pig kidney cells Virology Volume 34
Talens, L.T., Dolores-Talens, A.C., (1979) Identity of a strain of cowpea mosaic virus in Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) Philippine Phytopathology
Talens, L.T., (1979) Cowpea viruses in the Philippines: II. Isolation and identification of cowpea strain of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Philippine Phytopathology
- Best Scientific Paper: Properties, purification, characterization, serology and sources of resistanc,
- Best Scientific Paper: Rapid detection of several plant viruses by the counter-immunoelectrophoretic, 11th Pest Control Council of the Philippines Annual Conference, Hotel de Mercedes, Cebu City, 1979
- Balik Scientist Award, DOST, 2010