Sex: Male
- University of British, Columbia, Vancouver, Ph.D Zoology, 1981
- University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, MS Zoology, 1976
- Ateneo de Manila University, Manila, BS Biology, 1973
Field of Specialization:
Ecological consequences and evolutionary implications of metabolic biochemistry:, Evolutionary Design of Functional Capacities, Energetics of Locomotion, Zoology, Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry
Suarez, R.K., Darveau, C.-A., Hochachka, P.W., (2005) Roles of hierarchical and metabolic regulation in the allometric scaling of metabolism in Panamanian orchid bees Journal of Expermental Biology Volume 208
Darveau, C.-A., Suarez, R.K., Andrews, R.D., Hochachka, P.W., (2003) Response to Banavar et al. and West et al Nature Volume 421
Thompson, S.N., Suarez, R.K., (2002) Metabolism In: Insect Encyclopedia, R.T. Carde and V.H. Resh (eds.), Academic Press, New York
Darveau, C.-A., Suarez, R.K., Andrews, R.D., Hochachka, P.W., (2002) Allometric cascade as a unifying principle of body mass effects on metabolism Nature Volume 417, No. 166-170.
O'Brien, D.M., Suarez, R.K., (2001) Fuel use in hawkmoth (Amphion floridensis) flight muscle: enzyme activities and flux rates Journal of Experimental Zoology Volume 290
Suarez, R.K., (2000) Energy metabolism during insect flight: biochemical design and physiological performance Physiological and Biochemical Zoology Volume 73
Suarez, R.K., (2000) Quantitative design of muscle energy metabolism for steady-state work In: Cell and Molecular Responses to Stress (K.B. Storey and J.M. Storey, eds.), Elsevier Press
Darveau, C.-A., Hochachka, P.W., Roubik, D.W., Suarez, R.K., (2005) Allometric scaling of flight energetics in Panamanian orchid bees: Evolution of flux capacities and flux rates Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 208
Darveau, C.-A., Roubik, D.W., O'Brien, D.M., Welch, K., Hochachka, P.W., Suarez, R.K., (2005) Allometric scaling of flight energetics in Panamanian orchid bees: a comparative phylogenetic approach Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 208
Suarez, R.K., Darveau, C.A., Welch, Jr., K., O'Brien, D.M., Roubik, D.W., Hochachka, P.W., (2005) Energy metabolism in orchid bee flight muscles: carbohydrate fuels all Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 208
Harrison, J.F., Suarez, R.K., (2004) Insect flight takes off (invited JEB Classics article) Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 207
Suarez, R.K., (2004) Control analysis, mitochondrial bioenergetics and programmed cell death: the Krogh principle in practice (invited Editorial Focus article) American Journal of Physiology Volume 287
Suarez, R.K., Darveau, C.A., (2005) Multi-level regulation and metabolic scaling Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 208
Suarez, R.K., Hochachka, P.W., (1981) Preparation and properties of rainbow trout liver mitochondria Journal OF Comparative Physiology Volume 143
Welch, K.C.Jr., Bakken, B.H., del Rio, C.M., Suarez, R.K., (2006) Hummingbirds fuel hovering flight with newly ingested sugar Physiological and Biochemical Zoology Volume 79
Suarez, R.K., (2003) Shaken and stirred: muscle structure and metabolism Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 206
Suarez, R.K., Childress, J.J., Darveau, C.A., (2004) Metabolic scaling: a many-splendoured thing Comparative Biochemical Physiology Volume 139B
Hochachka, P.W., C.-A. Darveau, C.A., Andrews, R.D., Suarez,R.K., (2003) Allometric cascade: a model for resolving body mass effects on metabolism Comparative Biochemical Physiology Volume .134A
Suarez, R.K., Hochachka, P.W., (1981) The pyruvate branch-point in fish liver mitochondria: effects of acylcarnitine oxidation on pyruvate dehydrogenase and pyruvate carboxylase activities Journal of Comparative Physiology Volume 143
Suarez, R.K., Hochachka, P.W., (1981) Pyruvate carboxylase from rainbow trout liver Journal of Comparative Physiology Volume 143
Mommsen, T.P., Suarez, R.K., (1984) Control of gluconeogenesis in hepatocytes from rainbow trout: role of pyruvate branch-point and phosphoenolpyruvate-pyruvate cycle Molecular Physiology Volume 6
Suarez, R.K., Mallet, M.D., Daxboeck, C., Hochachka, P.W., (1986) Enzymes of energy metabolism and gluconeogenesis in the Pacific blue marlin Makaira nigricans. Canadaian Journal of Zoology Volume 64
Suarez, R.K., Brown, G.S., Hochachka, P.W., (1986.) Metabolic sources of energy for hummingbird flight American Journal of Physiology Volume 251
Suarez, R.K., Mommsen, T.P., (1987) Gluconeogenesis in teleost fishes Canadian Journal o Zoology
Suarez, R.K., (1988) Thinking with and without oxygen: energy metabolism in vertebrate brains Canadian Journal of Zoology Volume 66
Hochachka, P.W., Emmett, B., Suarez, R.K., (1998) Limits and constraints in the scaling of oxidative and glycolytic enzymes in homeotherms Canadian Journal of Zoology Volume 66
Moyes, C.D., Buck, L.T., Hochachka, P.W., Suarez, R.K., (1989) Oxidative properties of carp red and white muscle. Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 143
Suarez, R.K., Doll, C.J., Buie, A.E.,West, T.G., Funk, G.D., Hochachka, P.W., (1989) Turtles and rats: a biochemical comparison of anoxia-tolerant and anoxia-sensitive brains American Journal of Physiology , No. R1083-R108
Moyes, C.D., Suarez, R.K., Hochachka P.W., Ballantyne, J.S., (1990) A comparison of fuel preferences of mitochondria from vertebrates and invertebrates Canadian Journal of Zoology Volume 68
Farrell, A.P., J.A. Johansen, J.F. Steffensen, C.D. Moyes, T.G. West and R.K. Suarez, (1990) Effects of exercise training and coronary ablation on swimming performance 9 heart size and cardiac enzymes in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) Canadian Journal of Zoology Volume 68
Suarez, R.K., Lighton, J.R.B., Moyes, . C.D., Brown,G.S., Gass, C.L., Hochachka, P.W., (1990) Fuel selection in rufous hummingbirds: ecological implications of metabolic biochemistry Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Volume 87
Suarez, R.K., Lighton, J.R.B., Brown, G.S., Mathieu-Costello, O., (1991) Mitochondrial respiration in hummingbird flight muscles Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA Volume 88
Moyes, C.D., Suarez, R.K., Hochachka, P.W., (1991) Peroxisomal beta-oxidation: insights from comparative biochemistry Journal of Experimental Zoology Volume 260
Farrell, A.P., Johansen, J.A., Suarez, R.K., (1991) Effects of exercise training on cardiac performance and muscle enzymes in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss l Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Volume 9
Suarez, R.K, (1992) Hummingbird flight: sustaining the highest mass-specific metabolic rates among vertebrates Experientia Volume 48
Suarez, R.K, (1992) Ecological implications of metabolic biochemistry: Elephant parts and the third secret of life Experientia Volume 48
Mathieu-Costello, O., R.K. Suarez, R.K., Hochachka, P.W., (1992) Capillary-to-fiber geometry and mitochondrial density in hummingbird flight muscle Respiratory Physiology Volume 89
Suarez, R.K., Moyes, C.D., (1992) Mitochondrial respiration in locust flight muscles Journal of Experimental Zoology Volume 263
West, T.G., Arthur, P.G., Suarez, R.K., Doll, C.J., Hochachka, P.W., (1993) In vivo utilization of glucose by heart and locomotory muscles of exercising trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) Journal of Experimental Biology emntal. Exp. Biol. 177: 63-79. Volume 177
Hochachka, P.W., Nener, J.C., Hoar, J., Suarez, R.K., Hand, S.C., (1993) Disconnecting metabolism from adenylate control during extreme oxygen limitation Canadian Journal Zoology Volume 71
Suarez, R.K, (1996) Upper limits to mass-specific metabolic rates Ann. Rev. Physiol. Volume 58
Suarez, R.K., J.R.B. Lighton, B. Joos, S.P. Roberts and J.F. Harrison, (1996) Energy metabolism, enzymatic flux capacities and metabolic flux rates in flying honeybees Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Volume 93
Joos, B., J.R.B. Lighton, J.F. Harrison, R.K. Suarez and S.P. Roberts., (1997) Effects of ambient oxygen tension on flight performance, metabolism and water loss of the honeybee Physiol. Zool. Volume 70
Staples, J.F., Suarez, R.K., (1997) Honeybee flight muscle phosphoglucoisomerase: matching enzyme capacities to flux requirements at a near-equilibrium reaction Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 200
Suarez, R.K., Staples, J.F., Lighton,J.R.B., West, T.G., (1997) Relationships between enzymatic flux capacities and metabolic flux rates in muscles: nonequilibrium reactions in muscle glycolysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Volume 94
Suarez, R.K., (1998) Oxygen and the upper limits to animal design and performance Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 201
Hochachka, P.W., G.B. McClelland, G.P. Burness, J.F. Staples and R.K. Suarez, (1998) Integrating metabolic pathway fluxes with gene-to-enzyme expression rates Comp. Biochem. Physiol Volume 120B
Suarez, R.K., Staples, J.F., Lighton, J.R.B., (1999) Turnover rates of mitochondrial respiratory chain enzymes in flying honeybees (Apis mellifera) Journal of Experimental Zoology Volume 284
Gass, C.L., M. Romich and R.K. Suarez, (1999) Energetics of hummingbird foraging at low ambient temperature Can. J. Zool Volume 77
Suarez, R.K., Staples, J.F., Lighton, J.R.B., Mathieu-Costello, O., (2000) Mitochondrial function in flying honeybees (Apis mellifera): respiratory chain enzymes and electron flow from complex III to oxygen Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 203
Welch, K.C., Jr., Altschuler, D.L., Suarez, R.K., (2007) Oxygen consumption rates in hovering hummingbirds reflect substrate-dependent differences in P/O ratios: Carbohydrate as a ?premium fuel? Volume 210
Welch, K.C., Jr., Suarez, R.K., (2007) Oxidation rate and turnover of ingested sugar in hovering Anna?s (Calypte anna) and rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 210
Welch, K.C., Jr., R.K. Suarez, R.K., (2008) Altitude and temperature effects on the energetic cost of hover-feeding in migratory rufous hummingbirds, Selasphorus rufus Canadian Journal of Zoology Volume 86
Suarez, R.K., Welch, K.C., Jr., S. Hanna, S., Herrera, L.G., (2009) Enzymatic flux capacities and metabolic flux rates during hovering flight of the nectar bat, Glossophaga soricina: Further evidence of convergence with hummingbirds. Comp. Biochem. Physiol Volume 15, No. 3A
Suarez, R.K., Sajise, P.E., (2010) Deforestation, Swidden Agriculture and Philippine Biodiversity Science Letters Volume 3
Suarez, R.K., (1992) Oxygen and VO2max: are muscle mitochondria created equal? In: Hypoxia and Mountain Medicine , J.R. Sutton, G. Coates, and C.S. Houston Proceedings of the 7th International Hypoxia Symposium),Pergamon Press, Oxford
Suarez, R.K., (1993) Oxidative metabolism in hummingbird flight muscles In: The Vertebrate Gas Transport Cascade: Adaptations To Environment and Mode of Life, E. Bicudo (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL
Suarez, R.K., (1998) Design of glycolytic and oxidative capacities in muscles Principles of Animal Design. The Optimization and Symmorphosis Debate (E.R.Weibel, C.R. Taylor, L.C. Bolis, eds.), Cambridge Univ. Press
Thompson, S.N., Suarez, R.K., (2002) Metabolism. In: Insect Encyclopedia, R.T. Carde and V.H. Resh eds. Academic Press, New York
Suarez, R.K., (2008.) International science: Function, dysfunction and flowers in a grassy field Philippines, G.P. Concepcion, E.A. Padlan and C. Saloma (eds.), Univ. of the Philippines Press In: Selected Essays on Science and Technology for a Better
Suarez, R.K., Welch, K.C. Jr, (2009) Stoking the Brightest Fires of Life Among Vertebrates Cardio-Respiratory Control in Vertebrates: Comparative and Evolutionary Aspects, (M.L. Glass and S.C. Wood eds.) Springer-Verlag
Thompson, S.N., Suarez, R.K., (2009) Metabolism In: Insect Encyclopedia, R.T. Carde and V.H. Resh (eds.), 2nd edition, Academic Press, New York
Navas, A., Suárez, R., (2009) One-year follow-up of toric intraocular lens implantation in forme fruste ketatocunus Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Volume 35, No. 11
Suarez, R.K., C. Welch, K.C.Jr., Hanna, S.K., (2009) Flight muscle enzymes and metabolic flux rates during hovering fight of the nectar bat, Glossophaga soricina: Further evidence of convergence with hummingbirds Current Opinion in Chemical Biology Volume 153, No. 2
Reiser, P.J., Suarez, R.K., Welch K.C., Jr., (2009) Extremely Low Maximal Force-Generating Ability in Hummingbird Flight Muscle Fibers Biophysical Journal Volume 96, No. 3
Welch, K.C., Jr., G. Herrera and R.K. Suarez, (2008) Dietary sugar as a direct fuel for flight in the nectarivorous bat Glossophaga soricina Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 211, No. 3
Reigosa, V., Valdés Sosa, M. Butterworth, B. Torres, P. Santos, E., Suárez, R., Lage, A., Rodrı´guez, M., Estévez, N., Hernández, D., (2008) Large-scale prevalence studies of learning disabilities in Cuban school-children population Clinical Neurophysiology Volume 119, No. 9
Suarez, R.K., Jimenez, M., Romo, R., Mendez, M., Vargas, M., Fernandez-Sanchez, M., (2008) Down's syndrome risk prevalence related to tobacco smoking in ART patients Fertility and Sterility Volume 90
M. J. Gonzalez, R. Romo, M. Jimenez, R. Suarez, V. Mendez, M. Fernandez-Sanchez, (2008) Nurse approach to patient's mood previous to embryo transfer and BhCG test Fertility and Sterility Volume 90
M. Lucas, R. Suarez, A. Marcos, F. Solano, A. Venegas, M. I. Garcia-Sanchez, L. Ortiz, G. Izquierdo, (2007) Arg113His mutation of vanishing white matter is not present in multiple sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Volume 13, No. 3
A. Paravisini, S. Sánchez-Ramón, R. Suarez, J. Gil, E. Fernandez-Cruz, (2007) Efficacy of Omalizumab in the treatment of 3 patients with severe refractory atopic dermatitis World Allergy Organization Journal
M. G. Herrera, Raul K. Suarez, (2007) 13.5 Dietary sugar fuels flight in nectarivorous bats Current Opinion in Chemical Biology Volume 148
Aguilar, G., Santacruz, C., Linares, M., Rivera, J.L., Lopez, L., Lopez, J., Suarez, R., Zenteno, J.C., Garfias, Y., Martinez, M.C.J., (2006) Cd30 Expression on II4 Producing T-Cells from patients with Allergic Conjunctivitis Clinical Neurology Volume 119
Somero, G.N., Suarez, R.K., (2005) PETER HOCHACHKA : Adventures in Biochemical Adaptation Annual Review of Physiology Volume 67, No. 1
Darveau, C.A., Suarez, R.K., Andrews, R.D., Hochachka, P.W., (2003) Physiology (communication arising (reply)): Why does metabolic rate scale with body size?/Allometric cascades Nature Volume 421, No. 6924
Suarez, R.K., Lee Gass, C., (2002) Hummingbird foraging and the relation between bioenergetics and behaviour Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology Volume 133, No. 2
- 1995 Plenary Speaker, International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Birmingham,, mm
- Balik Scientist Award, DOST, 2008
- Balik Scientist Award, DOST, 2011