Sex: Male
- Rice University Houston Texas, USA, Doctor of Philosophy in Geology, 1993
Field of Specialization:
Earth and Space Science, Marine/Coastal Geology, Seismic Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Marine Science, Oceanography, Geology
Rodriguez, A.B., Anderson, J.B., Taviani, M., & Siringan, F.P., (2004) Lack of a middle-Holocene highstand on the East Texas Coast supports geophysical models Journal of Sedimentary Research Volume 74, No. 3
Siringan, F.P., & Ringor, C.L., (1999) Changes in water and shoreline positions and their implications to sediment dispersal and sedimentation rates in Manila Bay NAST 21st Annual Scientific Meeting, Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippines
Mateo, Z.R.P., & Siringan, F.P., (1999) Prediction of sediment movement in Lingayen Gulf: An evaluation of approaches and implications to coastal stability NAST 21st Annual Scientific Meeting, Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippines
Siringan, F.P., & Jaraula, C., (1999) Patterns of sedimentation, sources of sediment and their implications to Laguna de Bay's life span. NAST 21st Annual Scientific Meeting, Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippines
Siringan, F.P., & Rodolfo, K.S., (1999) Subsidence and the worsening flood problem in Pampanga and Bulacan NAST 21st Annual Scientific Meeting, Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippines
Maeda, Y., Siringan, F.P., Omura, A., Berdin, R.D., Hosono, Y., Atsumi, S., & Nakamura, T. , (2004) Higher than present Holocene mean sea-levels in Ilocos, Palawan and Samar, Philippines Quaternary International Volume 115-116
Berdin, R.D., Siringan, F.P., & Maeda, Y., (2004) Holocene sea-level highstand and its implications for the vertical stability of Pangao Island, southwest Bohol, Philippines Quaternary International Volume 115-116
Sombrito, E.Z., Bulos, A.D.M., Sta Maria, E.J., Honrado, M.C.V., Olivares, R.U., Enriquez, E.B., & Siringan, F.P., (2001) Sedimentation rates in Manila Bay from 216 Pb profiles Philippine Nuclear Journal Volume 13
Omura, A., Maeda, Y., Kawana, T., Siringan, F.P., & Berdin, R.D., (2004) U-series dates of Pleistocene corals and their implications to the Paleo-sea levels and the vertical displacement in the Central Philippines Quaternary International Volume 115-116
Kim, J.W., Isobe, T., Chang K.H., Amano, A., Maneja, R.H., Zamora, P.B., Siringan, F.P., & Tanabe, S., (2011) Levels and distribution of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in fishes from Manila Bay, the Philippines Environmental Pollution Volume 159, No. 12
Ramaswamy, B.R., Kim, J.-W., Isobe, T., Chang, K.-H., Amano, A., Miller, T.W., Siringan, F.P., & Tanabe, S., (2011) Determination of preservative and antimicrobial compounds in fish from Manila Bay, Philippines using ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, and assessment of human dietary exposure Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 192, No. 3
Baula, I.U., Azanza, R.V., Fukuyo, Y., & Siringan, F.P., (2011) Dinoflagellate cyst composition, abundance and horizontal distribution in Bolinao, Pangasinan, Northern Philippines Harmful Algae Volume 11
Kim, J.W., Isobe, T., Ramaswamy, B.R., Chang, K.H., Amano, A., Miller, T., Siringan, F.P., & Tanabe, S., (2011) Contamination and bioaccumulation of benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers in fish from Manila Bay, the Philippines using an ultra-fast liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry Chemosphere Volume 85, No. 5
Senal, M.I.S., Jacinto, G.S., San Diego-McGlone, M.L., Siringan, F.P., Zamora, P., Soria, L., Cardenas, M.B., Villanoy, C., & Cabrera, O., (2011) Nutrient inputs from submarine groundwater discharge on the Santiago Reef Flat, Bolinao, Northwestern Philippines Marine Pollution Bulletin Volume 63, No. 5-12
Yokoyama, Y., Suzuki, A., Siringan, F., Maeda, Y., AbeâOuchi, A., Ohgaito, R., Kawahata, H., & Matsuzaki, H., (2011) Mid-Holocene palaeoceanography of the northern South China Sea using coupled fossil-modern coral and atmosphere-ocean GCM model Geophysical Research Letters Volume 38, No. L00F03
Cardenas, M. B., Zamora, P.B., Siringan, F.P., Lapus, M. R., Rodolfo, R. S. , Jacinto, G. S., San Diego-McGlone, M. L., Villanoy, C. L., Cabrera, O., & Senal, M.I., (2010) Linking regional sources and pathways for submarine groundwater discharge at a reef by electrical resistivity tomography, 222Rn, and salinity measurements Geophysical Research Letters Volume 37, No. L16401
Liu, Z., Colin, C., Li, X., Zhao, Y., Tou, S., Chen, Z., Siringan, F.P., Liu, J.T., Huang, C-Y., You, C-F., & Huang, K-F., (2010) Clay mineral distribution in surface sediments of the northeastern South China Sea and surrounding fluvial drainage basins: Source and transport Marine Geology Volume 277
Reotita, J., Siringan, F.P., Zhang, J., & Azanza, R., (2013) Paleoenvironment changes in Juag Lagoon, Philippines based on sedimentology, bulk geochemistry and stable isotopes and their implication to nitrification Quaternary International Volume 333
Hong, G.H., Kim, C.J., Yeemin, T., Siringan, F.P., Zhang, J., Lee, H.M., Choi, K.Y., Yang, D.B., Ahn, Y.W., & Ryu, J. H., (2013) Potential Release of PCBs from Plastic Scientific Gear to Fringing Coral Reef Sediments in the Gulf of Thailand Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography Volume 96
Lagmay, A.M.F., Siringan, F.P., Rodolfo, K.S., Uy, H., Remotigue, C., Zamora, P., Lapus, M., Rodolfo, R., & Ong, J., (2007) Geology and hazard implications of the Maraunot notch in the Pinatubo Caldera, Philippines Bulletin of Volcanology Volume 69, No. 7
Gaillard J.-C., Delfin, F.G., Jr., Dizon, E.Z., Paz, V.J, Ramos, E.G., Remotigue, C.T., Rodolfo K.S., Siringan, F.P., Soria, J.L.A., & Umbal, J.V., (2007) A multidisciplinary approach to reconstructing the Buag eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines In: Grattan, J., Torrence, R. (Eds.), Living under the shadow: The cultural impacts of volcanic eruptions. Left Coast Press, Inc.
Shen, C.-C., Siringan, F.P., Lin, K., Dai, C.-F., & Gong, S-Y, (2010) Sea-level rise and coral-reef development of northwestern Luzon since 9.9 ka Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Volume 292
Hosono, T., Siringan, F.P., Yamanaka, T., Umezawa, Y., Onodera, S., Nakano, T., & Taniguchi, M., (2010) Application of multi-isotope ratios to study the source and quality of urban groundwater in Metro Manila, Philippines Applied Geochemistry Volume 25
Hosono, T., Su, C-C., Siringan, F.P., Amano, A., Onodera, S., (2010) Effects of environmental regulations on heavy metal pollution decline in core sediments from Manila Bay Metal Pollution Bulletin Volume 60
Stevenson, J., Siringan, F.P., Finn, J., Madulid, D., & Heijnis, H., (2010) Paoay Lake, Northern Luzon, the Philippines: a record of Holocene environmental change Global Change Biology Volume 16, No. 6
Isobe, T., Amano, A., Chang, K.-H., Maneja , R.H., Zamora, P.B., SanDiego-McGlone, M.L., Siringan, F.P., Prudente, M., Miller, T.W., & Tanabe, S., (2010) Retrospective Assessment of Environmental Pollution by PBDEs and HBCDs Using Sediment Core from Manila Bay, the Philippines In: Isobe, T., Nomiyama, K., Subramanian, A., & Tanabe, S. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry - Environmental Specimen Bank. TERRAPUB
Liu, Z., Zhao, Y., Colin, C., Siringan, F.P., & Wu, Q., (2009) Chemical weathering in Luzon, Philippines from clay mineralogy and major-element geochemistry of river sediments Applied Geochemistry Volume 24
Sta. Maria, E.J., Siringan, F.P., Bulos, A.dM., & Sombrito, E.Z., (2009) Estimating sediment accumulation rates in Manila Bay, a marine pollution hot spot in the Seas of East Asia Marine Pollution Bulletin Volume 59
Chang, K.-H., Amano, A., Miller, T.W., Isobe, T., Maneja, R., Siringan, F.P., Imai, H., & Nakano, S., (2009) Pollution study in Manila Bay: eutrophication and its impact on plankton community In: Obayahi, Y. et al., (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry - Environmental Research in Asia. TERRAPUB
Liu Z., Tuo S., Colin C., Liu J.T., Huang C.-Y., Selvaraj K., Zhao Y., Siringan F.P., Boulay S., & Chen Z., (2008) Evaluating detrital sediment contribution of Taiwan to the northern South China Sea Marine Geology Volume 255
David, C.P.C., Sta. Maria, Y.Y., Siringan, F.P., Reotita, J.M., Zamora, P.B., Villanoy, C.L., Sombrito, E.Z., & Azanza, R.V., (2008) Coastal pollution due to increasing nutrient flux in aquaculture sites Environmental Geology
Umezawa, Y., Hosono, T., Onodera, S., Siringan, F., Buapeng, S., Delinom, R., Yosimizu, C., Tayasu, I., Nagata, T., & Taniguchi, M., (2008) Sources of nitrate and ammonium contamination in groundwater under developing Asian megacities Science of the Total Environment Volume 404
Taniguchi, M., Burnett, W. C., Dulaiova, H., Siringan, F., Foronda, J., Wattayakorn, G., Rungsupa, S., Kontar, E. A., & Ishitobi, T, (2008) Groundwater Discharge as an Important Land-Sea Pathway into Manila Bay, Philippines Journal of Coastal Research Volume 24, No. 1A
Siringan, F.P., Azanza, R.V., Macalalad, N.J.H., Zamora, P.B., & Sta. Maria, Y.Y., (2008) Temporal changes in the cyst densities of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum and other dinoflagellates in Manila Bay, Philippines Harmful Algae Volume 7, No. 4
Zhang, J., Morrison, R.J.A., Yeemin, T., & Siringan, F.P., (2013) Coral Reefs under the climate and anthropogenic perturbations (CorReCAP): an IOC/WESTPAC approach Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography Volume 96
Villanoy, C., David, L., Cabrera, O., Atrigenio, M., Siringan, F.P., Aliño, P., & Villaluz, M., (2012) Coral reef ecosystems protect shore from high-energy waves under climate change scenarios Climatic Change Volume 112, No. 2
Yñiguez, A.T., Cayetano, A., Villanoy, C.L., Alabia, I., Fernandez, I., Palermo, J.D., Benico, G., Siringan, F.P., & Azanza, R.V., (2012) Investigating the roles of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in the blooms of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum using an individual-based model Procedia Environmental Sciences Volume 13
Fernando, A.G., Peleo-Alampay, A.M., Francisco, E.M., Crisologo, E.J., Collado, M.E., & Siringan, F.P., (2007) Calcareous nannofossils from Opol Formation, Bukidnon Province (Northern Minadanao) Philippines Journal of the Geological Society of the Philippines Volume 63, No. 1&2
Mateo, Z.R.P., & Siringan, F.P., (2007) Tectonic control of high-frequency Holocene delta switching and fluvial migration in Lingayen Gulf bayhead, northwestern Philippines Journal of Coastal Research Volume 23, No. 1
Suzuki, A., Gagan, M.K., Kan, H., Edward, A., Siringan, F.P., Yoneda, M., & Kawahata, H., (2007) Chapter 9 Coral records of the 1990s in the tropical northwest pacific: ENSO, mass coral bleaching, and global warming Elsevier Oceanography Series Volume 73
Urase, T., Nadaoka, K., Yagi, H., Iwasa, T., Suzuki, Y., Siringan, F.P., Garcia, T.P., & Thao, T.T., (2006) Effect of urban emissions on the horizontal distribution of metal concentration in sediments in the vicinity of Asian large cities Journal of Water and Environment Technology Volume 4, No. 1
Rodolfo, K.S., & Siringan, F.P., (2006) Global sea-level rise is recognised, but flooding from anthropogenic land subsidence is ignored around northern Manila Bay, Philippines Disasters Volume 30, No. 1
Jacinto, G.S., Azanza, R.V., Velasquez, I.B., & Siringan, F.P. , (2006) Manila Bay: Environmental Challenges and Opportunities In: Wolanski, E. (Eds.) The Environment in Asia Pacific Harbours. Springer, Dordrecht
Jacinto, G.S., Azanza, R.V., Velasquez, I.B., & Siringan, F.P., (2006) Biophysical environment of Manila Bay- then and now In: Wolanski, E. (Eds.) The Environment in Asia Pacific Harbours. Springer, Dordrecht
Cabato, M.E.J.A., Rodolfo, K.S., & Siringan, F.P., (2005) History of sedimentary infilling and faulting in Subic Bay, Philippines revealed in high-resolution seismic reflection profiles Journal of Asian Earth Sciences Volume 25, No. 6
Gaillard, J.C., Delfin, F.G., Jr., Dizon, E.Z., Larkin, J.A., Paz, V.J., Ramos, E.G., Remotigue, C.T., Rodolfo, K.S., Siringan, F.P., Soria, J.L.A., & Umbal, J.V., (2005) Anthropogenic dimension of the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, between 800 and 500 years BP L’anthropologie Volume 109, No. 2
Soria, J.L.A., Siringan, F.P., & Rodolfo, K.S., (2005) Compaction rates and paleo-sea levels along the delta complex north of Manila Bay, Luzon Islands, Philippines Science Diliman Volume 17, No. 2
Siringan, F.P., Berdin, R., Jaraula, C.M., Remotigue, C., Yacat-Sta. Maria, M.Y., & Zamora, P., (2005) A challenge for coastal management Know Risk. United Nations
Azanza, R.V., Siringan, F.P., San Diego-McGlone, M., Yniguez, A., Macalalad, N.H., Zamora, P.B., Agustin, M., & Matsuoka, K., (2004) Horizontal dinoflagellate cyst distribution, characteristics and benthic flux in Manila Bay, Philippines Phycological Research Volume 52, No. 4
Maeda, Y., & Siringan, F.P., (2004) Atlas of Holocene notches and the coral reef terraces of the Philippine Islands Nature and Human Activities Volume 8
Rodolfo, K.S., Siringan, F.P., Remotigue, C.T., & Lamug, C.B., (2003) Worsening Floods around Northern Manila Bay, Philippines: Research-Based Analysis from Physical and Social Science Perspectives Philippine Sociological Review Volume 51
Siringan, F.P., & Rodolfo, K.S., (2003) Relative sea-level changes and worsening floods in the western Pampanga delta: Causes and some possible mitigation measures Science Diliman Volume 15, No. 2
Berdin, R.D., Siringan, F.P., & Maeda, Y. , (2003) Holocene relative sea-level changes and mangrove response southwest Bohol, Philippines Journal of Coastal Research Volume 19, No. 2
Siringan, F.P., (2003) What lies under the Kalayaan Island Group? In: Aliño, P.M., & Quibilan, M.C.C. (Eds.), The Kalayaan Islands. Our Natural Heritage. U.P. Marine Science Institute, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Siringan, F.P., (2003) Sea level fluctuations and the Kalayaan Islands In: Aliño, P.M., & Quibilan, M.C.C. (Eds.), The Kalayaan Islands. Our Natural Heritage. U.P. Marine Science Institute, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Urase, T., Nadaoka, K., Kusakabe, O., Siringan, F., Miyashita, K., & Suzuki, Y., (2002) Comparative study on heavy metals contained in the lecheates from solid waste disposal sites and in road deposits in Japan and in the Philippines Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment Volume 25, No. 11
Fuji-ie, W., Yangi, T., & Siringan, F.P., (2002) Tide, tidal current and sediment transport in Manila Bay La mer Volume 40
Peña, R.E., Tamesis, E.V., Alampay, A.M.P., Foronda, J.M., de Leon, M.M., Siringan, F.P., Zepeda, M.A.A., Aguilar, Y.M., Yñigo, L.S., David, S.D., Jr., Lubas, L.L, Caagusan, N.L., & Lasam, A.G., (2001) Philippine Stratigraphic Guide Journal of the Geological Society of the Philippines Volume 56, No. 1&2
Berdin, R.D., Siringan, F.P., Maeda, Y., & Nakamura, T., (2001) Multiple approach to the establishment of sea level changes during the Holocene in SW Bohol
Global Change and Asia Pacific Coasts (Mimura and Yokoki, Eds.): Proceedings of APN/SURVAS/LOICZ Joint Conference on Coastal Impacts of Climate Change and Adaptation in the Asia-Pacific Region
Siringan, F.P., Maeda, Y., Rodolfo, K.S., & Omura, A., (2000) Short-term and long-term changes of sea level in the Philippine Islands
Global Change and Asia Pacific Coasts (Mimura and Yokoki, Eds.): Proceedings of APN/SURVAS/LOICZ Joint Conference on Coastal Impacts of Climate Change and Adaptation in the Asia-Pacific Region
Rodriguez, A.B., Anderson, J.B., Siringan, F.P., & Taviani, M., (1999) Sedimentary facies and genesis of Holocene sand banks on the east Texas inner continental shelf In: Snedden, J. & Bergman, K., (Eds.), Isolated Shallow Marine Sand Bodies: Sequence Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Interpretation, SEPM Spec. Pub. 64
Talaue-Mcmanus, L., McGlone, D., San Diego-McGlone, M.L., Siringan, F.P., Villanoy, C., & Licuanan, W., (1999) The impact of economic activities on biogeochemical cycling in Lingayen Gulf, northern Philippines: A preliminary synthesis LOICZ Newsletter No.10, LOICZ International Project Office, Texel, The Netherlands
Maeda, Y., Siringan F.P., Omura, A., Sasaki, K., Nakamura, T., & Cano, M., (1999) Records of Holocene and stage 5e high sea level stands and local tectonic movements in the Philippine Islands Land Sea Link in Asia "Prof. Kenneth O. Emery Commemorative International Workshop" Proceedings of international workshop on sediment transport and storage in coastal sea-ocean system, Saito, Y., Ikehara, K., & Katayama, H. (Eds.), STA (JIST
Omura, A., Kawana, T., Maeda, Y., & Siringan, F.P., (1999) 230Th/234U dating of Pleistocene corals from Panglao Island, Philippine Islands, and its tectonic implications Japan Association for Quaternary Research Annual Meeting, Program and Abstracts Volume 29
Maeda, Y., Siringan, F.P., Cano, M., Sato, H., Nakamura, T., & Omura, A., (1999) Mid-Holocene sea-level changes in Palawan, Philippines Japan Association for Quaternary Research Annual Meeting, Program and Abstracts Volume 29
Siringan, F.P., Berdin, R.D., Jaraula, C.M.B., Mateo, Z.R.P., Sandoval, T.A., Villanoy, M.J.M., Manzano, J., & Juanico-Manzano, L., (1999) Lithofacies and stacking patterns of the Cagayan Terrace Deposits: Implications to Base Level Changes Abstracts and Proceedings “Tectonics of Southern Philippines: Implications to Natural Hazards, Mineralization, Magmatism and Environmental Change”, Aurelio, M.A., & Pajarillaga, N. (Eds.), Geological Society of the Philippines, Quezon City
Siringan, F.P., Berdin, R.D., Doruelo, J.S., Jaraula, C.M.B., Mateo, Z.R.P., Ong, J.B.T., & Yacat, M.Y.Y., (1999) Sediment transport patterns along Macajalar Bay and Cagayan de Oro River derived from geomorphic and sedimentologic parameters Abstracts and Proceedings “Tectonics of Southern Philippines: Implications to Natural Hazards, Mineralization, Magmatism and Environmental Change”, Aurelio, M.A., & Pajarillaga, N. (Eds.), Geological Society of the Philippines, Quezon City
Siringan, F.P., & Ringor, C.L., (1998) Changes in Bathymetry and Their Implications to Sediment Dispersal and Rates of Sedimentation in Manila Bay Science Diliman Volume 10, No. 2
Siringan, F.P., & Ringor, C.L., (1997) Predominant Nearshore Sediment Dispersal Patterns in Manila Bay Science Diliman Volume 9
Siringan, F.P., & Ringor, C.L., (1996) Changes in the Position of the Zambales Shoreline Before and After the Mt. Pinatubo Eruption: Controls of Shoreline Change Science Diliman Volume 7&8
Siringan, F.P., Pataray, A.L., (1997) Morphology, Spatial Variations and Architecture of Sand Dunes Along the Western Coast of Ilocos Norte: Implications on the Mechanism of Formation In: Casareo, F. & Casareo, M.N.R. (Eds.), GEOCON ‘96 Proceedings, Geological Society of the Philippines
Siringan, F.P., & Ringor, C.L., (1997) Beach Ridges Along the Zambales Coast: Their Implications on Coastal Evolution In: Casareo, F., & Casareo, M.N.R. (Eds.), GEOCON ‘96 Proceedings, Geological Society of the Philippines
Siringan, F.P., Queano, K.L., Francisco, E.M., & Ringor, C.L., (1997) Long-Term and Short-Term Shoreline Changes Along the Coast of Manila Bay In: Casareo, F., & Casareo, M.N.R. (Eds.), GEOCON ‘96 Proceedings, Geological Society of the Philippines
Anderson, J.B., Abdulah, K., Sarzalejo, S., Siringan, F., & Thomas, M.A., (1996) Late Quaternary sedimentation and high-resolution sequence stratigraphy of the east Texas shelf
De Batist, M., & Jacobs, P. (Eds.), Geology of Siliciclastic Shelves, Geological Society Special Publication No. 117, The Geological Society, U.K.
Siringan, F.P., & Ringor, C.L., (1996) Long-term and short-term shoreline changes along the Zambales coast: controls of shoreline change and the impact of the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption In: David, S.D., & Pena, R. (Eds.), GEOCON ‘95 Proceedings, Geological Society of the Philippines
Foronda, J.M., David, S.D., Jr., Duyanen, J. P., & Siringan, F.P., (1996) A comparison of the olistostromes and olistoliths of the Yop and Maybangain Formations: Theme and variation In: David, S.D., & Pena, R. (Eds.), GEOCON ‘95 Proceedings, Geological Society of the Philippines
Anderson, J.B., Abdulah, K., Siringan, F.P., & Sarzalejo, S., (1994) Application of high resolution seismic reflection data in assessing the size, shape and and lithology of near-surface sand bodies Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, USA
Siringan, F.P., & Anderson, J.B., (1994) Modern shoreface and inner-shelf storm deposits off the east Texas coast, Gulf of Mexico Journal of Sedimentary Research Volume B64
Siringan, F.P., & Anderson, J.B., (1993) Seismic facies, architecture, and evolution of the Bolivar Roads tidal inlet/delta complex, east Texas Gulf Coast Journal of Sedimentary Petrology Volume 63
Anderson, J.B., Thomas, M.A., Siringan, F.P., & Smyth, W.C., (1992) Quaternary Evolution of the East Texas coast and continental shelf In: Wehmiller, J., & Fletcher, C. (Eds.), Quaternary Coasts of the United States: Marine and Lacustrine Systems, SEPM Special Publication Volume 48
Anderson, J.B., Staples-Shipp, S., & Siringan, F.P., (1992) Preliminary seismic stratigraphy of the northwestern Wedell Sea continental shelf In: Yoshida, Y., Kaminuma, K., & Shiraishi, K., (Eds.), Recent Progress in Antarctic Earth Science, TERRAPUB, Tokyo
Anderson, J.B., & Siringan, F.P., (1992) Holocene sea-level rise and its impact on the evolution of east Texas Coastal Environments Geological Society of America South Central Section Meeting, Field Trip Guide 5, Houston, TX, USA
Siringan, F.P., & Anderson, J.B., (1991) Facies architecture and evolution of coastal lithosomes on the North Texas Gulf Coast and the occurrence of preserved analogues on the North Texas inner continental shelf In: Coastal Depositional Systems in the Gulf of Mexico, Proceedings from the Gulf Coast Section of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Twelfth Annual Research Conference
Anderson, J.B., Siringan, F.P., Taviani, M., & Lawrence, J., (1991) Origin and evolution of Sabine Lake, Texas-Louisiana Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Volume 41
Anderson, J.B., Siringan, F.P., Smyth, W.C., & Thomas, M.A., (1991) Episodic nature of Holocene sea level rise and evolution of Galveston Bay In: Coastal Depositional Systems in the Gulf of Mexico, Proceedings from the Gulf Coast Section of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Twelfth Research Conference
Anderson, J.B., Siringan, F.P., & Thomas, M.A., (1990) Sequence stratigraphy of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene Trinity/Sabine valley system: relationship to the distribution of sand bodies within the transgressive systems tract In: Armentrout, J. (Eds.), Sequence stratigraphy as an Exploration Tool, Proceedings from the Gulf Coast Section of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Eleventh Research Conference
Schoell, W.U., Foronda, J.M., Jagolino, O.C., & Siringan, F.P., (1985) Geology and facies of part of the Laguna Formation Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines Volume 37
Jaraula, C.M.B., Siringan, F.P., Klingel, R., Sato, H., & Yokhama, Y., (2014) Records and causes of Holocene salinity shifts in Laguna de Bay, Philippines Quaternary International Volume 349
- Achievement Award (Earth and Space Sciences), NRCP-DOST, 2003
- Celestino Dizon Professorial Chair, , 2004