Sex: Male
- University of the Philippines, V.M.D, 1923
Field of Specialization:
Veterinary Medicine
Sevilla, N.S., (1947 Jl) Check point for the meat flow Agricultural-Commercial-Industrial Life Volume 9/7
Sevilla, N.S., (16 F 1950) Making ham and other meat products Bureau of Animal Industry Extension Service Leaflet Volume 12
Sevilla, N.S., Villarta, N., (1960) The first FAO meeting on dairy problems in Asia and Far East Philippine Journal of Animal Industry Volume 21
Sevilla, N.S., (1958 N-D / 1959 Ja ) Guideposts to livestock research UP Veterinarian
Sevilla, N.S., (1930) Simple remedies for common poultry diseases in the Philippines Bureau of Animal Industry, Manila
Sevilla, N.S., (1931) Cysticercosis In the City of Manila slaughterhouse Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette Volume 1/8
Sevilla, N.S., (1931) How the veterinarians serve the public Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette Volume 1/1
Sevilla, N.S., (1931) Pointers for livestock Inspectors Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette Volume 2/10
Sevilla, N.S., (1931) Stomach worm in cattle Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette Volume 1/3
Sevilla, N.S., (1931) Tropical ulcer in carabaos Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette Volume 1/4
Sevilla, N.S., (1931) Unknown uses of by-products from cattle Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette Volume 1/2
Sevilla, N.S., (1931 Je) Avian pest Infection arrested by Individual quarantine Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette Volume 1/6
Sevilla, N.S., (1932 S ) Phalangeal exostosis Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette Volume 2/9
Sevilla, N.S., (1933) Cattle by-products Stockman and Farmer Volume 1/2
Sevilla, N.S., (1933) The control of foot-and-mouth disease in Polo and Caloocan. Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette Volume 3
Sevilla, N.S., (1933) Foot-and-mouth disease In Caloocan, Malabon and Polo Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette Volume 3/8-9
Sevilla, N.S., (1933) How animal owners can help prevent foot-and-mouth disease Bureau of Anmal Industry Gazette Volume 3
Sevilla, N.S., (1934 S - O ) Suppurative pneumonia in cattle due to traumatic injury Philippine Journal of Animal Industry Volume 1/5
Sevilla, N.S., ( 1934 S-O) Traumatic gastro-enteritis In cattle Philippine Journal of Animal Industry Volume 1/6
Sevilla, N.S., (1936) The slaughter of livestock and meat Inspection In the Phil Philippine Journal of Animal Industry Volume 2
Sevilla, N.S., (1936) Mixed Infection of ascaris and lungworms In swine Bureau of Animal Industry Monthly Service Record Volume 2/3
Sevilla, N.S., (1936) This llttle pig went to market Bureau of Animal Industry Monthly Service Record Volume 2
Sevilla, N.S., (1936 Mr - Ap ) Severe ascariasis In calves: case reports Phil. Journal of Animal Industry Volume 3/2
Sevilla, N.S., (1936 My - Je ) Ox warbles among Imported dairy cattle Phil. Journal of Animal Industry Volume 3/3
Sevilla, N.S., (1936 S - O ) The local hide Industry - suggestions for Its Improvement Phil. Journal of Animal Industry Volume 3/6
Sevilla, N.S., (1937) For more extensive poultry raising campaign in the barrios Phil. Journal of Animal Industry Volume 4/3
Sevilla, N.S., (1938) The bureau expert visits Hongkong and Macao at invitation of Chinese ham magnates; a report Bureau of Animal Industry Monthly Service Record Volume 4/12
Sevilla, N.S., (1938 S-O) Meat Inspection In the City of Manila and neighborhood municipalities Philippine Journal of Animal Industry Volume 5/5
Sevilla, N.S., (1941) Preliminary report on the preparation of fertilizers of animal origin Phil. Journal of Animal Industry Volume 8/2
Sevilla, N.S., (1946 Mr-Ap ) Report of the Philippine Agricultural Mission to the United States, July 28 to Dec. 23, 1946 Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce. News Bulletin Volume 2/1-2
Sevilla, N.S., ( 1946 My ) Meat supply tor the City of Manila Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce. News Bulletin Volume 1/3
Sevilla, N.S., (1947 F) Industrial utilization of animal by-products in the Philippines Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce. News Bulletin Volume 1/12
Sevilla, N.S., (1947 D) Some facts about cow's milk Phil. Livestock Magazine Volume 1/1
Sevilla, N.S., ( 1947 Mr - Ap ) Some notable aspects of livestock in the US Bureau of Animal Industry Monthly Service Record Volume 8/3-4
Sevilla, N.S., (1948) Condensery: precursor of a future P.I dairy industry Phil. Livestock Magazine Volume 1/6
Sevilla, N.S., Contreras, E., (1951) Preparation of some meat and dairy products Agricultural and Industrial Life Volume 13/11
Contreras, E., Sevilla, N.S., (1951 O ) Preparation of some dairy products BAI Recorder Volume 13/10
Sevilla, N.S., (1952) Industrialization of animal products Manila, Published for the Bureau of Agriculture Golden Jubilee Committee by Graphic House
Sevilla, N.S., (1952) A study on the anti-microbial effect of dehydroacetic acid and its sodium salt as mold inhibitors on hams and other meat products, under Phil. conditions Phil. Journal of Animal Industry Volume 13/1-4
Sevilla, N.S., (1953 N-D) Farm preparations of milk and other dairy products BAI Recorder Volume 15/11-12
Sevilla, N.S., (1954 D) Evaluation of past, present and future researches on animal products and by-products BAI Recorder Volume 16/12
Sevilla, N.S., (1955 Jl-D) Animal foods and animal products Nutrition News Volume 10-11/3-4
Sevilla, N.S., (1956 F-Mr) Processing of dairy products BAI Recorder Volume 18/2-3
Sevilla, N.S., (1957 My ) Avenues of approach to our dairy problem BAI Recorder Volume 19
Rigor, T.V., Sevilla, N.S., (1958 O ) The role of research in livestock and poultry production BAI Recorder Volume 20/10
Sevilla, N.S., (1958) Dairy products Livestock production in the Philippines
Sevilla, N.S., (1959) Philippine livestock situation in relation to our meat supply and agriculture Manila Times
Sevilla, N.S., (1960 S ) Livestock and poultry production and improvement Science Bulletin Volume 6/1
Sevilla, N.S., (1961 O-D ) Some pointers on cattle ranching Araneta Journal of Agriculture Volume 8/4
Sevilla, N.S., () Economics of piggery BAI Leaflet
Sevilla, N.S., () Grasses and legumes for pasture improvement BAI Leaflet
Sevilla, N.S., () Preparation and preservation of different recipes with the use of wide mouth packers Jars BAI Leaflet
- Award for outstanding research on animal products , Dept. of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1969