Sex: Male
- School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA, Ph.D. in Epidemiology, 1996
- University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA, M.S. Epidemiology, 1991
- Statistic Center, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, 36 units of graduate courses leading to MS Statistics, 1985-1989
- Statistic Center, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, B.S Statistics, 1983
Field of Specialization:
Food Fortification Studies, Statistical Methods
Bohning, D., Malzahn, U., Sarol, J.N. Jr., Rattanasiri, S., Biggeri, A., (2002) Efficient non-iterative and von parametric estimation of heterogeneity variance for the standardized mortality ratio Annals of the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics
Yu, D., Sarol, J.N.Jr., Hutton, G., Tan, D., Tanner, M., (2002) Cost effectiveness analysis of the impacts on infection and morbidity attributable to three chemotherapy schemes against schistosoma japonicum in hyperendemic areas of the Donting Lake Region, China Southeast Asian Journal of tropical Medicine and Public Health (in press)
Hoi, L.V., Sarol, J.N. Jr., Uriarte, R.D., Tadoy, S.A., (2000) Association between selected hygiene characteristics and urinary tract infection among children aged 6-12 years in Metro Manila, Philippines Southeast Asia Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Volume 31 Suppl1
Auer, C., Sarol, J., Tanner, M., Weiss, M., (2000) Health seeking and perceived causes of tuberculosis among patients in Manila, Philippines Tropical Medicine and International Health Volume 5, No. 9
Bohning, D., Sarol, J. Jr., (2000) A non-parametric estimator of heterogeneity variance with applications to SMR and rate data Biomedical Journal Volume 42, No. 3
Bohning, D. Sarol, J. Jr., (2000) Estimating risk difference in multicenter studies under baseline risk heterogeneity. Biometrics Volume 56
Tupasi, T.E., Radhakrishna, S., Pascual, M.L., Quelapio, M.I., Villa, M.L., Co, V.M. Sarol, J. Mangubat, N. Reyes, A.C., Sarmiento, A., Solon, M., Solon, F., Burton, L., Lofranco, V.S., Rostrata, M., (2000) BCG coverage and annual risk of tuberculosis infection over a 14-year period in the Philippines assessed from the National Prevalence Surveys. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Volume 4, No. 3
Tupasi, T.E., Radhakrishna, S., Quelapio, M.I., Villa, M.L., Pascual, Solon,, (2000) Tuberculosis in the urban poor settlements in the Philippines International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Volume 4, No. 1
Tupasi, T.E. Radhakrishna, S. Rivera, A.B. Pascual, M.L. Quelapio, M.I. Co, V.M. Villa, M.L. Beltran, G. Legaspi, J.D. Mangubat, N.V. Sarol, J.N. Jr. Reyes, A.C. Sarmiento, A. Solon, m., (1999) The 1997 nationwide survey in the Philippines. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Volume 3(6)
Tongol-Rivera, P., Prudencio, M.A.B., Sarol, J.N., Balingit, F.G., Villacorte, E.A., Darilag, A.A., Kano, S., Suzuki, M., (1999) Clinical and laboratory correlates of the outcome of cerebral malaria in the Philippines Japan Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Volume 27, No. 4
Solon, F.S., Solon, M.S., Mehansho, H. West, K.P. Sarol, J., Perfecto, C., Nano, T., Sanchez, L., Wasantwisut, I.M., Sommer, A., (1996) Evaluation of the effect of vitamin A-fortified margarine on the vitamin A status of preschool Filipino children European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Volume 50
Flores, E.G. Alvarez, T. Majarais, E. Sarol. J., (1996) Assessment of nutritional status, feeding practices, iodized salt consumption and utilization of Vitamin A supplementation at the National Capital Region. Bulletin of the Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines Volume 36(2)ISSN
Sarol, J.N. Mella, M.P. Baltazar, J.C., (1995) Epidemiologic trends of selected diseases in the Philippines.(1965-1990) Momograph, Philippines Institute for Developmental Studies
Solon, F.S., Solon, M.S., Mehansho, H., West, K.P., Sarol, J.N., Perfecto, C., Nano, T. Sanchez, L., Wasantwisut, I.M., Sommer, A., (1994) Evaluation of the effect of Vitamin A-fortified margarine on the Vitamin A status of preschool Filipino children Abstract, Report of the 16th International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting. Two Decades of Progress: Linking Knowledge to Action,24-28 O 1994, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Baltazar, J.C. Sarol, J.N., (1994) Prenatal tetanus immunization and other practices associated with neonatal tetanus Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Volume 25
Mendoza, O.M., Borja, M.P., Sevilla, T.L., Ancheta, C.A., Saniel, O.P., Sarol, J.N., (1988) Fundamentals of statistical analysis in health sciences Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Public Health UP Manila
Sarol, J.N. Jr., (2000) Tuberculosis in the urban poor settlements in the Philippines International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Volume 4, No. 1
- Metro Manila Commission Diamond Jubilee Chair for Professor of Epidemiology, UP, Manila, 2002 Jl- 2003 Je
- Philippine Economic and Cultural Endowment (PEACE) Chair for Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Given by the Board of Regents, University of the Philippines, 2000 Jl- 2001Je
- International Publication Award (2000), Given by the President, University of the Philippines, 2000 F 28
- International Publication Award (2000), Given by the President, University of the Philippines, 2001 F 28
- International Publication Award (1999), Given by the President, University of the Philippines, 2000 F 29
- International Publication Award (2000), Given by the President, University of the Philippines, 2001 F 28
- International Publication Award (2000) for, Given by the President, University of the Philippines, 2000 F 28
- International Publication Award (2000), Given by the President, University of the Philippines, 2001 F 28
- International Publication Award (2000), Given by the President, University of the Philippines, 2001 F 28
- Metro Manila Commission Diamond Jubilee Chair for Asst. Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Given by the Board of Regents, University of the Philippines, 1997 O 27