Sex: Male
- University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman, Quezon City, B.S. Physics, 1983
- UP Diliman, Quezon City, M.S. Physics, 1989
- UP Diliman, Quezon City, Ph.D. in Physics, 1993
Field of Specialization:
Physics, High Tc (high temperature) Superconductors and Devices, Nano materials, Magnetic Materials, Electronic materials, Transparent electrodes, Manipulation of ZnO (zinc oxide) nano particles, Bismuth cuprate superconductor films, Magnetic Susceptibility of High Tc (high temperature) Superconductors
Sarmago, H. Enomoto, H. Ozaki, (1993) Effect of Pb substitution for Ca in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O Phase Transitions Volume 41
Develos, K.D. Villaflor, A.B. Sarmago, R.V., (1995) Effect of post combustion denitration treatment in Pb-Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O ceramic superconductors Japan Journal of Applied Physics Volume 1, No. 34
Rillera, H.P., Sioson, R.D., Sarmago, R.V., (2004) Growth of Y-Doped Bi-2212 single crystals Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology Volume 26, No. 1
Sarmiento, R., Manuel, A.H., Sarmago, R.V., (2004) Highly textured Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d film synthesis unto silver substrates by electrophoretic deposition Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology Volume 26, No. 1
Pigaroa, S. Ramos, D. Jr. Sarmago, R.V., (2004) Low field AC susceptibility behavior of Pb-doped Bi-2223 Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology Volume 26, No. 1
Afalla, J.P.C., Sibayan-Torralba, M.V., Sarmago, R.V., (2004) Superposition of intergranular and intragranular losses to the AC harmonic susceptibilities of bulk YBCO Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology Volume 26, No. 1
- Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Physics), National Academy of Science and Technology, 1996
- PCASTRD Fellowship, Phil. Council for Advanced Science Technology Research and Development (PCASTRD), 1989
- NSDB Scholarship, National Science Development Board (NSDB), 1979