Sex: Male


  • Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Manila, A.B, 1918
  • Univ. of the Philippines, B. S. Pharm, 1923
  • Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Ph. C, 1921
  • Univ. of Santo Tomas, Pharo D, 1925
  • Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitaet, Ph. D, 1925

Field of Specialization:

Pharmaceutical Chemistry


Reyes, F.R., Santos, A.C. , (1932 Ap) The Isolation of anonaine from Anona aquamosa Linnaeus Phil. Journal of Science Volume 44/4

Santos, A.C., Valenzuela, P., (1928) Phytochemical study of Hyptis suavelens (L.) Poir Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 1

Santos, A.C. , (1929) Beitraege zur Kenntnis der Berberisalkaloide Muenster, Westfalische Vereinsdruckerei, vormals Coppenrathsche Buchdruckerei

Santos, A.C. , (1930) The actual status of the fermentation problem Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 2

Santos, A.C. , (1930) Alkaloid from Anona reticulata Linnaeus Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 3

Santos, A.C. , (1931) On the alkaloids of Archangellsia flava Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 3

Santos, A.C. , (1931) Alkaloids of Phaeanthus ebracteolatus -321 Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutica1 Association Volume 3

Garcia, F., Santos, A.C. , (1931) Chemical and pharmaceutical studies of plumierid Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 1

Santos, A.C. , (1931) On the alkaloids of Phaeanthus ebracteolatus Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 3

Santos, A.C. , (1932) Alkaloids von Phaeanthus ebracteolatus

Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft Volume 65 Santos, A.C., , (193) The alkaloids of Argemone mexicana Journal of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association Volume 4

Santos, A.C.,, (1932) Alkaloids on Mahonia philippinensis Takeda Journal of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association Volume 4/12

Santos, A.C.,, (1932) A contribution to the study of Luffa with special reference to Luffa cylindrica Journal of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association Volume 4

Santos, A.C. , (1932) On the alkaloids of Phaeanthus ebracteolatus Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical ASsociation Volume 4

Santos, A.C. , (1932 Mr) Remark about anonaine Philippine Journal of Science Volume 47/3

Santos, A.C. , (1932 O) The structure of phaeanthine Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 2-3/2

Santos, A.C., Reyes, F.R., (1932 D) Ueber Artabotrysalkaloide, I Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 2/4

Santos, A.C.,, (1933) Three phenolic alkaloids of Pycnarrhena manillensis University of the Phil

Santos, A.C.,, (1933 D) Ambaline, a new alkaloid from Pycnarrhena manillensis Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 3/4

Sulit, J.S., Santos, A.C. , (1934) Alkaloids of Phaeanthus ebracteolatus University of the Philippines

Santos, A.C.,, (1939 Jl) The alkaloids of Datura alba Nees Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 7/1

Oliveros, L.B., Santos, A.C., (1934 Mr) The alkaloid of Eurycles amboinensis Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 4/1

Samson, A.M., Santos, A.C. , (1934 O) The mercuriation of nipasol, a propyl ester of p-hydroxy benzoic acid Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 4/2

Hernandez, E., Santos, A.C. , (1935) Alkaloids of Pycnarrhena manillensis University of the Philippines

Villanos, M.I., Santos, A.C. , (1936 D) Ambaline, a new non-phenolic alkaloid from Pycnarrhena manillensis Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 4/4

Manas-Santos, F., Santos, A.C. , (1936 Je) Macrophylline , a new alkaloid from Alstonia macrophylla Wall Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 5/2

Santos, A.C.,, (1937) A phytochemical stuely of Anamirsa cocculus University of the Philippines Volume 32

Santos, A.C. , (1940) A chemical study of a mercurated carvacrol American Pharmaceutical Association Volume 29

Mendoza-Castro, A., Santos, A.C., (1947 Ja 15) A crystalline saponin from Luffa cylindrica Journal of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association Volume 34/1

Santos, A.C.,, (1947 Ja 11) List of some Philippine medicinal plants which includes data on constituents, uses, pharmacopoeias wherein official and references Journal of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association Volume 34/1

Feliciano, N.M., Santos, A.C., (1947 Mr 15) The crystalline principle of Tinomiscium philippinensis Miers its identification as picrotoxin Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Assoc Volume 34/3

de la Torre, M.A., Santos, A.C., (1947 N 15) On the crystalline principle of Luna cylindrica Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 34/11

Santos, A.C.,, (1948 Ja 16) Symposium on recent advances In pharmacy Journal of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association Volume 35/1

Santos, A.C., (1948 S 15) Table 1. Phil. medicinal plants yielding drugs of pharmacopoeial value Journal of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association Volume 35/9

Santos, A.C.,, (1949) Constituents, uses and pharmacopoeias of some Phil. medicinal plants Phil. Journal of Forestry Volume 6/1

Santos, A.C. , (1951) Isolierung eines neues Alkaloidsalzes, Phaeantharinchlorid, aus Phaeanthus ebracteolatus Archiv der Pharmazie Volume 284

Aguilar-Santos, G., Santos, A.C. , (1951 Jl-D) An Improved Kipp generator for the micro Dumas determination Natural and Applied Science Bulletin Volume 11/3-4

Santos, A.C. , (1952 My) Alkaloids of Phaeanthus ebracteolatus Phil. Pharmaceutical Association Volume 39/5

Aguilar-Santos, G., Santos, A.C. , (1952 Ap) Isolation of and preparation of several salts of Phaeantharlne, a new quaternary alkaloid of Phaeanthus ebracteolatus Journal of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association Volume 39/4

Santos, A.C.,, (1953) The chemistry and pharmacy of drugs of pharmacopoeial value from medicinal plants Eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association and the Fourth Far-Eastern Prehistory Congress, Abstracts of Papers

Santos, M.B., Santos, A.C. , (1963 Ap) The distribution of berberine and related bases in Phil. medicinal plants Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 40/4

Santos, A.C.,, (1953 ) Contribution to the chemistry of alkaloids from Philippine medicinal plants Proceedings of the Eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association Volume 4:

Santos, A.C.,, (1954) A brief review of chemistry in schools and universitles in the Phil Manila, Published by the Philippine Chamber of Industries, Inc

Santos, A.C.,, (1954) Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Manila, Published by the Philippine Chamber of Industries, Inc

Santos, A.C.,, (1953) Pharmacodynamic studies on phaeantharine chloride, a new quarternary ammonium alkaloid from Phaeanthus ebracteolatus Proceedings of the Eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association Volume 4A

Santos, A.C.,, (1953 ) Pharmacodynamic studies on phaeantharine chloride, a new quaternaty ammonium alkaloid from Phaeanthus ebracteolatus Proceedings of the Eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Phil. Science Association Volume 4A

Santos, A.C.,, (1953) Pharmacodynamic studies on phaeantharine chloride, a new quaternary ammonium alkaloid from Phaeanthus ebracteolatus Proceedings of the Eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association Volume 4A

Santos, A.C.,, (1955 Je 15) Proposed pharmacopoeial monographs of some Philippine drugs Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 42/6

Santos, A.C.,, (1956 Ja 15) Morphological studies on Phil. drugs, I Lagerstroemia speciosa leaf, Areca catechu seed and Curcuma longa rhizome Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Assooiation Volume 43/1

Santos, A.C., , (1956 Mr 15) A study on the constituents of Tinomiscium philippinensis Diels Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 43/3

Santos, A.C. , (1957) Bis-coclaurine alkaloids from Phaeanthus ebracteolatus Proceedings of the Phytochemical Symposium, Kuala Lumpur

Santos, A.C.,, (1957) Die Konstitution des Phaeantharine Archiv der Pharmazie Volume 65/5

Santos, A.C. , (1957) A survey of phytochemistry Kuala Lumpur

Santos, A.C. , (1957 Mr 15) The five-year pharmacy curricula Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Volume 44/3

Santos, A.C.,, (1957 Ag 15) Morphological studies on Philippine drugs, III Journal of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association Volume 44/8


  • Traveling Fellow , Philippine Government In Europe and United States, 1927-29
  • Anacleto del Rosario Gold Medal, Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas, Inc, 1931
  • Honorable mention , Anacleto del Rosario Contest , 1953
  • Distinguished Service Star , President of the Phil, 1954
  • Distinguished Alumni Award, Phil. Alumni Assoc, Ap 1957
  • Founding Member, Academy of Sciences and Humanities, N 1961