Sex: Female
- UPLB, College of Laguna, M.S., 1997
- Silliman University, Dumaguete City, B.S. Chemistry, 1974
Field of Specialization:
Plant Nutrition, Agriculture, Lowland Rice Production, Fertilizer Management
Aragon, E.L., Calabio, J.C., Samson. M.I.,, ( 1984) Fertilizer management under different systems of rice culture Philippine Journal of Crop Science Volume 9
Samson, M.I., Buresh, R.J., De Datta, S.K., (1987) Use of floodwater urea and ammonium to assess nitrogen transformations in lowland rice fields J. Indian Agric. Res. Inst. Post-Graduate School Volume 10(2)
De Datta, S.K., Buresh, R.J., Samson, M.I., Kai-Rong, W., (1988) Nitrogen use-efficiency and nitrogen-15 balances in broadcast-seeded flooded and transplanted rice Soil Science Society Volume 52
Buresh, R.J., De Datta, S.K., Padilla, J.L., Samson, M.I., (1988) Field evaluation of two urease inhibitors with transplanted lowland rice Agronomy Journal Volume 80
Buresh, R.J., De Datta, S.K., Padilla, J.L., Samson, M.I., (1988) Field evaluation of two urease inhibitors with transplanted lowland rice Agron J Volume 80
Buresh, R.J., De Datta, S.K., Padilla, J.L., Samson, M.I., ( 1988) Effect of two urease inhibitors on floodwater ammonia following urea application to lowland rice Soil Science Society of America Journal Volume 52
Cai, G.X., Freney, J.R., Humphreys, E., Denmead, O.T., Samson, M.I., Simpson, J.R., (1988) Use of surface films to reduce ammonia volatilization from flooded rice fields Aust. J. Agric. Res Volume 39
Samson, M.I., Buresh, R.J., De Datta, S.K., (1990) Evolution and soil entrapment of nitrogen gases formed by denitrification in flooded soil Soil Science and Plant Nutr Volume 36
De Datta, S.K., Buresh, R.J., Samson, M.I., Obcemea,W.N., Real, J.G., (1991) Direct measurement of ammonia and denitrification fluxes from urea applied to rice Soil Science Society of American Journal Volume 55
Buresh, R.J., De Datta, S.K., Samson, M.I.,, ( 1991) Dinitrogen and nitrous oxide flux from urea basally applied to puddled rice soils Soil Science Society of America Journal Volume 55
De Datta, S.K., Samson, M.I., Obcemea, W.N.,, (1991) Direct measurement of ammonia and denitrification fluxes from Urea applied to rice Soil Science Society of American Journal Volume 55
Buresh, R.J., Samson, M.I., De Datta, S.K, ( 1993) Quantification of denitrification in flooded soils as affected by rice establishment method Soil Biology and Biochemistry Volume 25
Cassman, K.G., Samson, M.I., (1994) Nitrogen supply or root function: what governs N uptake in irrigated rice Nitrogen Economy of Irrigated Rice: Field and Simulation Studies. SARP 421 Research Proceeding
Cassman, K.G., De Datta, S.K., Olk, D.C., Samson, M.I.,, ( 1995) Yield decline and the nitrogen economy of long-term experiments on continuous, irrigated rice systems in the tropics Soil Management: Experimental Basis for Sustainability and Environmental Quality, (R. Lal and B.A. Stewart, Eds.), Lewis/CRC Publishers, Boca Raton
Cassman, K.G., Gines, G.C., Dizon, M.A., Samson, M.I., Alcantara, J.M., (1996) Nitrogen-use efficiency in tropical lowland rice systems: contributions from indigenous and applied nitrogen Field Crops Research Volume 47
Cassman K G, Dobermann, A., Sta.Cruz, P.C., Samson, M.I.,, (1996) Soil organic matter and the indigenous nitrogen supply of intensive irrigated rice systems in the tropics Plant Soil Volume 182
Cassman, K.G., De Datta, S.K., Amarante, S.T., Samson, M.I.,, (1996) Long-term comparison of the agronomic efficiency and residual benefits of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources for tropical lowland rice Experimental Agriculture Volume 32
Peng, S., Garcia, F.V., Samson, M.I., et al, (1996) Nitrogen use efficiency of irrigated tropical rice established by broadcast wet-seeding and transplanting Fertilizer Research Volume 45
Liboon, S.P., Samson, M.I., Ottow, J.C.G.,, (2000) Crop rotation and residue management effects on carbon sequestration, nitrogen cycling and productivity of irrigated rice systems Plant and Soil Volume 225
Samson, M.I., Laureles, E.V., Larazo, W,M., et al, (2005) Benefits of real-time N fertilizer management within 4 years in 2 long-term experiments (IRRI & PhilRice) Philippine Journal of Crop Science Volume 30
Olk, D.C., Samson, M.I., Gapas, P., (2007) Inhibition of nitrogen mineralization in young humic fractions by anaerobic decomposition of rice crop residues European Journal of Soil Science Volume 58
Samson, M., (2002) Nitrogen Status of Different Rice Cultivars After N Application Philippine Journal of Crop Science Volume 27, No. 1
Samson, M., (2002) Nitrogen Status of Different Rice Cultivars After N Application Phil. J. of Crop Sci. Volume 27, No. 1
- Best Paper Competition (Research Category), Federation of Crop Science Societies of the Philippines, 2005
- Gawad Gintong Ani Award for Outstanding Rsearchers, IRRI Junior Researchers, 1990