Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Manila, Doctor of Medicine, 2001
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, BS in Biology, 1996
  • Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, Internship and Residency (Internal Medicine), 2005
  • Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Fellowship, Infectious Diseases, 2008
  • Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Diploma in Tropical Medicine Course, 2008

Field of Specialization:

Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases & Tropical Medicine, Tropical and Travel Medicine, Lymphatic Filariasis, The role of anti-Wolbachia antibodies in pathogenesis of acute disease, Drug Resistant Organisms (including MSRA), Immunocompromised Host, Emerging Infectious Disease


Salvana, E.M.T., Salata, R.A., (2009) Infectious complications associated with monoclonal antibodies and related small molecules Clinical Microbiology Reviews Volume 22

Salvana, E.M., Salata, R.A.,, (2011 Je) Ameabiasis Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 19th Edition, Kliegman, R.M., Stanton, B.F., St. Geme, J., Schor, N., Behman, R.E. eds./Elsevier Inc., Philadelphia, P.A.

Salvana, E.M., Daehnel, K., Hise, A.G., Pearlman, E., Tisch, D.J., Kazura, J.W., (2008) Anti-Wolbachia antibodies may decrease the likelihood of acute adenolymphangitis in lymphatic filariasis Abstract published and presented at 2008 American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Salvana,E.M., Daehnel, K., Hise, A.G., Peariman, E., Tisch, D.J., Kazura, J.W., (2008) Association of acute lymphatic fllariasis with anti-Wolbachia antibody Abstract published at 2008 ICAAC/IDSA Joint Meeting in Washington DC, USA

Salvana, E.M., King, C.H., (2008) Schistosomiasis in travelers and immigrants Curr Infect Dis Rep Volume 10

Salvana, E.M., Wendt, J., Jacobs, M.R., (2008) Blood culture contamination with Shigella sonnei American Journal of Infection Control Volume 36

Salvana, E.M., Cooper, G.S., Salata, R.A., (2007) Mycobacterium other than tuberculosis (MOTT) infection: An emerging disease in infliximab-treated patients Journal of Infection Volume 55

Tisch, D.J., Salvana, E.M., Kastens, W., Bockarie, M., Alexander, N., Kazura, J.W., (2007) Familial aggregation of acute lymphatic filariasis in Papua New Guinea Abstract published and presented at 2007 American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Domingo, A.F., Salvana, E.M., (2007) Solicitation of deceased and living organ donors New England Journal of Medicine Volume 356

Salvana, E.M., (2006) Images in clinical medicine. Patent ductusarteriosus in an elderly man New England Journal of Medicine Volume 354

Domingo, A.F., Salvana, E.M., (2006) The metrics of the physician brain drain New England Journal of Medicine Volume 354

Salvana, E.M., Frank, M., (2006) Lactobacillus endocarditis: case report and review of cases reported since 1992 Journal of Infection Volume 53

Salvana, E.M., Wagner, D.K., () Micrococcus endocarditis in a patient with a pacemaker Abstract published and presented at 2005 Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Salvana, E.M., (2004) Shirley - Personal Reflection Journal of Palliative Medicine Volume 7

Salvana, E.M., Almoujahed, M., Olds, G.R., (2003) Calcified neurocysticercosis lesions with post-therapy perilesional edema Abstract published and presented at 2003 Annual Wisconsin ACID Chapter Meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

Salvana, E.M., King, C.H., (In Press) Schistosoma japonicum in Parasitology Bioscience, Columbus, OH (Satoskar AR, Simon G, Hotez P, Tsuji M. Landes, eds.)

Salvana, E.M., Salata, R.A., (2011 Je) Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis) In Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 19th Edition edited by Kliegman, R.M., Stanton, B.F., St. Geme, J., Schor, N., Behrman, R.E. Elsevier Inc. Philadelphia, PA.

Salvana, E.M., Salata, R.A., (In press) African Trypanosomiasis (Sleeping Sickness; Trypanosome brucei complex) In Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 19th Edition edited by Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St. Geme J, Schor N, Behrman RE. Elsevier Inc. Philadelphia, PA.

Salvana, E.M., Woc-Colbum, L., Salata, R.A., (In press) American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas Disease; Trypanosome cruzi) In Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 19th Edition edited by Kliegman R.M., Stanton, B.F., St. Geme, J., Schor, N., Behrman, R.E. Elsevier Inc. Philadelphia, PA.


  • Balik Scientist Award, DOST, 2008
  • Fellow Travel Award to the Joint Infectious Diseases, Wyeth - American Society for Microbiology, 2008
  • Travel Award to Annual Meeting in New Orleans, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2008
  • Outstanding Intern in Internal Medicine, University of the Philippines College of Medicine and, 2001
  • Magna cum laude, BS Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman Institute of Biology Award, 1996
  • Most Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis in Biology, Histopathology of Mouse Brain Infected with A, UPD, 1996
  • Phi Sigma Biological Honor Society Award for Excellence, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Inductee, , 1996
  • Oblation Scholar (Top 50 examinees of the nationwide), University of the Philippines College, 1992