Sex: Male


  • University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, 1993
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Bachelor of Science  in Physics (Cum laude), 1983

Field of Specialization:

Physics, Optical and electrical properties of III-V (GaAs, GaN) films, Heterojunctions and low dimentional structures (quantum wells and quantum dots), Film growth by molecular beam epitaxy, Semiconductor device fabrication


Xu, G.X. Salvador, A. Kum, W. Fan, Z, Lu, C. Tang, H. et al., (1997) High speed, low noise ultraviolet photodetectors based on GaN p-i-n and AlGaN (p)-GaN(1)-GaN(n) structures. Applied Physics Letters Volume 71

Salvador, A. Kim, W. Aktas, O. et al., (1996) Near ultraviolet luminescence of Be doped GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy using ammonia Applied Physics Letters Volume 69

Salvador, A. Liu, G. Kim, W. et al., (1995) Properties of a Si doped GaN/AlGaN single quatum well. Applied Physics Letters Volume 67

Salvador, A. Huang, F. Sverdlov, B. Botchkarev, A.E. Morc, (1994) InP/In GaAs resonant cavity enhanced photodetector and light emitting diode with external mirrors on Si. Electronics Letters Volume 30

Salvador, A. Huang, F. Sverdlov, A. Botchkarev, A.E. Morkoc, H., (1994) InP/InGaAs resonant cavity enhanced photodetector and light emitting diode with external mirrors on Si. Electronics Letters Volume 30

Salvador, A. Svrdlov, B. et al., (1994) Resonant cavity enhanced InP/InGaAs as photodiode on Si using epitaxial liftoff. Applied Physics Letters Volume 65

Salvador, A. Terraguchi, N. reed, J. Morkoc, H., (1992) Optical transmission of asymmetric coupled quantum wells under crossed electric and magnetic fields. Physical Review B Volume 46

Salvador, A., Reed, J., Kumar, N.S., Unlu, M.S., Morkoc, H., (1990) Electroabsorption studies on GaAs asymmetric coupled quantum wells Surface Science Volume 228

Kim, W. Botchkarev, A. Salvador, A. Popovici, G. Tang, H. Morkoc, H., (1997) On the incorporation of Mg and the role of oxygen, silicon and hydrogen and GaN prepared by reactive molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Applied Physics Volume 82

Mohammad, S.N. Kim, W. Salvador, A. Morkoc, H., (1997) Reactive molecular beam epitaxy for wurtzite GaN. Materials Research Society Bulletin

Kim, W. Salvador, A. Botchkarev, E. Aktas, O. Mohammad, S.N. Morkoc, H., (1996) Mg-doped p-type GaN grown by reactive molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters. Volume 69

Kim, W. Aktas, O. Botchkarev, E. Salvador, A. Mohammad, S.A. Morkoc, H., (1996) Reactive molecular beam epitaxy of Wurtzite GaN materials characteristics and growth kinetics Journal of Applied Physics Volume 79

Kim, W. Aktas, O. Salvador, A. Bothckarev, A. Sverdlov, B. Morkoc, H., (1997) MBE grown high quality GaN films and devices. Solid State Electronics Volume 41

Mohammad, S.N. Fan, Z. Salvador, A. Aktas, O. Botchkarev, E. Kim, W. Morkoc, H., (1996) Photoluminescence characterization of the quantum well structure and influence of optical illumination on the electrical performance of AlGaN/GaN modulation doped field effect transistor. Applied Physics Letters Volume 69

Li, J.Z. Lin, J.Y. Jiang, H. Salvador, A. Bothchkarev, A. Morkoc, H., (1996) Nature of Mg impurities in Gan. Applied Physics Letters Volume 69

Smith, M. Lin, J.Y. Jiang, H. Salvador, A. Bothckarev, A. Kim, W. Morkoc. H., (1996) Optical transitions in GaN/AlGaN multiple quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters Volume 69

Schmidt, T.J. Yang, X. Shan, W. Song, J.J. Salvador, A. Kim, W. Aktas, O. Botchkarev, A. Morkoc, H., (1996) Room temperature stimulared emission in GaN/AlGaN separate confinement heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy Applied Physics Letters Volume 68

Reynolds, D.C. Look, D.C. Kim, W. Aktas, O. Botchkarev, A. Salvador,A. Morkoc, H. Talwar, D.N., (1996) Ground and excited state exciton spectra from GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy Journal of Applied Physics Volume 80

Ozgur, A. Kim, W. Fan, Z. Botchkarev, A. Salvador, A. Mohammad, S.N. Sverdlov, B. Morkoc, H., (1995) High transconductance normally off GaN MODFETs. Electronics Letters Volume 31

Smith, M. Chen, G.D. Li, I.Z. Lin, J.Y. Jiang, H.X. Salvador, A. Kim. W. Aktas, O. Botchkarev, A. Morkoc, H., (1995) Excitonic recombination in GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters Volume 67

Botchkarev, A. Salvador, A. Sverlov, B.N. Myoung, J. Morkoc, H., (1995) Properties of GaN films grown under Ga and nitrogen rich conditions with plasma enhanced molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Applied Physics Volume 77

Chen, Z. Kim, W. Salvador, A. Mohammad, S.N. Aktas, O. Morkoc, H., (1995) Schotty barrier on anodic sulfide passivated GaAs and their stability. Journal of Applied Physics Volume 78

Yoon, H.W. Wake, D.R. Wolfe, J.P. Salvador, A. Morkoc, H., (1995) Field modulated diffusivity of excitons in asymmetric quantum wells. Physical Review B. Volume 51

Sverdlov, B.N. Botchkarev, A. Teraguchi, N. Salvador, A. Morkoc, H., (1993) Reduction of dark current in the photodiodes by the use of resonant cavity Electronics Letters Volume 29

Fang, S. Salvador, A. Morkoc, H., (1991) Growth of gallium arsenide on hydrogen passivated Si with low temperature treatment. Applied Physic Letters Volume 58

Mui, D.S.L. Salvador, A. Strite, S. Morkoc, H., (1990) Effect of thin Ge layer on the surface depletion in GaAs. Applied Physics Letters Volume 57

Morkoc, H. Hamdani, F. Salvador, A., (1997) Electronic and optical properties of III-V nitride-based quantum wells and superlattices. Semi-metals and Semiconductors Volume 50

Mohammad, S.N. Salvador, A. Morkoc, H., (1995) Emerging gallium nitride based devices. Proceedins of the IEEE Volume 10

Botchkarev, A. Salvador, A. Sverdlov, B. Morkoc, H., (1995) Recipe for GaN growth procedure Handbook of Thin Film Technology

Salvador, A. Morkoc, H., (1996) Molecular beam epitaxy growth and impurity levels of GaAs based quantum wells and superlattices. Properties of III-VQuantum Wells and Superlattices, Electronoc Materials Information Service Data Review Series Volume 15


  • Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Physics), National Academy Science and Technology-Department Of Science and Technology, 2002
  • Phi Kappa Phi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chapter, 1992
  • Cum laude, University of the Phiilippines, 1983